One of my 2011 resolutions is to join in the fun here and blog with Jade. Here's my first entry, an introduction. I am a photographer (from the school of Jade) and a scientist (undergrad marine biology, grad molecular bio). Aside from weddings, I love to take pictures of Jade and Sophie, exotic, rare, and classic cars, nature, sunrises, and sunsets...and recently, I've also given underwater photography a shot - it's a whole different world. I have a 3rd degree black belt in Tae Kwon Do. At one point, I was considered an Olympic hopeful. Unfortunately, I had to have surgery on both legs in 2005 and then retired to avoid long term damage. I have some gnarly scars to prove it and I love to show them off...if you ever want to see them. To keep in shape now, I play racquetball, I snowboard in the winter, and I occasionally run. I'd love to run a marathon one day but I'm not sure if the shins could handle it. By the way, I'm a slow runner.
I like penguins, real penguins in their natural environment. I don't have 6 pack abs. I'm a scuba diver and like marine invertebrates especially nudibranchs. My favorite beer is Guinness, and I love to have a glass of Port instead dessert. My favorite possession is my wedding ring. The best day of my life was the day I married Jade...until Sophie was born, then that became the best day of my life because we became a family.
Check - 2011 blog resolution complete!
Since no Uplift blog post is complete without a's me drinking a Guinness and a coffee in Dublin, Ireland:
Great New Year's Resolution Intro Blog! :)